My Snowy Campsite

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This was in February 2019 when Mt. Charleston got 4-5 inches of snow. In the current picture it was about 30 degrees and once the sun set it dropped to 22 degrees. The snow was from the night before, and throughout the day the sunlight hardened the top layer of the snow, also giving it a crystal shimmer. I really loved this shot for the hard change in colours. From a bright white, to forest green and finishing with an fire orange. The truck with the camper on the left was an interesting thing to watch. They had ended up getting stuck about an hour before this shot. He was trying to get up the hill in 2wd while ice covered the road. He started to slide backwards until he got stuck on the shoulder. After they put the tire chains on, dug the truck out of the snow and received a tow from the park ranger, they finally got the truck free after 4 hours. The family where very happy about the situation, they said that it was just another adventure to add to their memories.